Monday, 28 October 2019
Monday morning in Newlyn.
Sardine netter Lyonesse heads back to her berth after a long night's fishing in the bay...
the bulk of fish landed this morning came from the netter, Silver Dawn
plenty of quality fish on the market this morning with red mullet...
more reds...
a box of octopus...
plenty of bait from the Sapphire II...
some large ray...
end of season scallops...
and an unusually good haul of John Dory from none other than...
the port's number 1 Dory man, young Roger Nowell on the Imogen III...
not to be outdone, all the bass boys weighed in with good shots of bass, all caught with lines by hand...
along with plenty of mackerel from the boats working over in St Ives Bay...
a few of the handline boats picked up the odd pollack...
while Mr Nowell had the darkest of dark blue lobsters...
and a few plaice...
while the beam trawlers filled the centre auction hall with monk, megrims, lemons, Dover sole and more plaice...
the port recycles the frames of filleted fish for crab bait...
mackerel, available in Penzance's one and only wet fish shop at the bottom of town...
looks like it will be an uncomfortable week at sea for the netters with strong easterly winds forecast, which doesn't bode well for any of the boats working away, "when the wind is in the East, the fishing is least" as an old saying goes in these parts...
time to stack the fish...
for delivery back to the processing units scattered around the port...
the future may be orange fr some but at the moment the Le Men Du is anything but bright with her undercoat coat of paint...
more shellfish boats having a makeover.