Early hours of Friday morning and the sardines are coming ashore...
from skipper Dan, the Golden Harvest was the only boat to catch...
and land any late season fish...
with all three tanks full to the brim...
wind the clock forward a few hours and the sky begins to clear with the temperature, as forecast, just above freezing
just in time for the weekend fish from two beam trawlers will have kept the buyers happy with fish like megrim sole...
red mullet...
beautiful 'butts...
and a handful of mackerel...
the odd lobster...
and a few dozen witches...
to go with the gurnards...
there's wo sides to every brill...
it's that man Ian at it again...
el congero...
flatfish, what beamers do best...
though it seems there are still dogs everywhere...
and the odd JD...
how times change, even scad are making enough money to be landed by a beam trawler...
just a handful of these fish from a handful of inshore boats that braved yesterday's fresh weather...
next week will see the return of the gillnetters, all of whom are at sea today...
and judging by the stark looking sky and wheeling gulls it's not going to be so nice out there...
as the direction of the flag above the harbour offices indicates the reason why the wind is a tad on the cilly side...
there's a whole lot of gear under construction...
and on the heavy side it is too, hundreds of strops ready for the pots...
plus a new set of trawls and footropes for the Steph of Ladram...
the new one, champing at the bit...
enough big rope to provide ebery boat with new shorelines...
more signs that the Old Quay is being brought back into use, scaffolding on the end of the quay, full details of the project including how to join the growing group of volunteers who have already made a huge difference to the look of the stonework are on the website devoted to its new lease of life...
Barnabas, just one of the boats that will soon be able to enjoy all the benefits of the hard work by the Cornish Maritime Trust and others.