Oven Vision and Ocean Vision V are the first Scottish prawn boats to kick off this year's season...
and with it being a spring tide and most of the netting fleet in port along with half a dozen visiting Brixham beamers chasing Dover sole in the Channel landing berths were hard to find...
forcing the port's biggest boat to land directly to the market to land her trip...
too late to be sold today like these red mullet from an inshore trawler, Spirited Lady...
most of the Scottish prawn boats when working from Newlyn put their whitefish to the market like these head-on monk...
and hake...
pretty much the last view monk fish see just before they disappear down the gullet, there are teeth all the way down the throat of these fish at the top of the food chain...
and there's more tails form the local boats who tail their monk and sell the heads for bait...
those Scots do love a haddock...
the ground fish mix from the beamers...
and more head-on monk from Vision V...
last of the cuttles for this season...
nice little haul of blues...
those sardine are still coming ashore...
and good shots of handline mackerel...
manual handling keeps you fit...
two of the biggest sterns in the port...
lay back-to-back...
two of the sardine wagons at rest...
as yet more fuel arrives to supply the visitors...
Lionel hard at it updating the tide clocks...
a busy time at the market...
those poor gribble will be starving now...
the quays are end-to-end with boats two and three deep...
up on the slip this morning at high water, Girl Pamela.