Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Mid-week market in Nelwyn.
The mid-week market is often full of small shots of fish from the inshore fleet like this smattering of monk form the New Harmony, a hard-won catch from off the Lizard...
or these banging bass from the likes of Cap'n Cod...
or these beautiful blonde rays from the trawler Shiralee...
and his sparkling plaice...
the only beam trawler to land was the Sapphire II who had decided to go with the cuttlefish...
while both the Gary M and the Britannia V both put their trips of net caught MSC Certified hake ashore...
while outside the market the Girl Pamela takes on enough bait for a day on the pots - despite a scuffly forecast for the day as the back end of a front bringing wind and rain pass across the south west this morning.
Cornish hake,