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Thursday 4 October 2012

Seafish - Vessel Safety Folder

Under the Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels Health and Safety at Work act, employers are required to provide a safe place of work for the crew aboard their vessel or their business on a vessel. Part of the requirements are for a risk assessment to be completed.
Keeping a Vessel safe is more than Risk Assessment though, and this website is to help you build a safety management folder which will reduce the complexity of the task so that all vessels can benefit from a safer environment. Safety management is not just a folder or a checklist it is the actions you do to keep a vessel and it's crew safe.

Since the Health and Safety laws at sea were introduced in 1998 it has been a legal 
requirement to produce a Safety Management System for commercial vessels. The 
system is often described by one of its parts, namely the Risk Assessments, but 
actually the Risk Assessment is only a small part of the system. The following parts 
are all required within a good management system:

» A Health and Safety Policy Statement
» All Reasonable Risks to be Assessed
» Crew Records
» Life Saving Appliances, Drills and Inductions
» Lifting Equipment and Work Equipment Maintenance Records
» Health Monitoring System
» Vessel Safety Equipment Self Inspections

All these items are to be considered as a whole system, they certainly are not 
everything but they form a good starting point to build on. The safety Management 
Website helps you to organise this into an organised and practical system.

Example folder completed:

MGN 20 (M+F)

To learn more about your responsibility please download and read the M-Notice issued by the Maritime Coastguard Agency which explains your duty under the Health and Safety at work regulations.

Download MGN 20 (M+F)

Training providers in the south of England include Rockall Marine and Seafood Cornwall Training.