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Thursday 4 October 2012

Kilomore Quay - skipper of the Saltees Quest gives away fish

The story was heavily reported on a national Irish radio station this morning as the frustrated skipper of the beam trawler Saltees Quest gave away rather than dump his over-quota monkfish.

Full story coverage courtesy of RTE here:

"Seamus O'Flaherty, who owns the Saltees Quest, gave away the fish rather than discard it at sea after the vessel exceeded its EU quota of monkfish.
The vessel's skipper, Jimmy Byrne, said he took the action to highlight a campaign by those who oppose the EU rule that requires over-quota fish to be thrown back in the sea. 
Officers from the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority monitored the activity."

Later today, one food blogger was very quick off the mark and posted one of Duncan Lucas's ever helpful videos on how to prepare monkfish!

Courtesy of Wendy at the My Chef at Home web site:

How to prepare a whole monkfish – Kilmore Standoff

by Wendy on October 4, 2012
If you manage to get some of the whole monkfish being landed on Kilmore Quay today as part of the protest by fishermen against dumping fish at sea, and do not know how to go about preparing and cooking it, well here are a selection of videos and recipes to help.
Duncan Lucas of Passionate About Fish shows you how to fillet and skin a monkfish tail