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Wednesday 12 April 2017

Apex predation - man, killer whale vs herring.

We have some heavy winds these days and cannot always go out to our favourite "whale spots". We have to adjust to the wind and waves. Still, we are out there most of the days and do our best in a safe manner. If you bring the right skill set as a sea kayaker, if we are efficient as a group, and if we are additionally a bit lucky, we can eventually get into occasions like filmed here (a bit into the footage two of our Kayak Tromsø kayakers are filmed)! 

Amazing material from Amund Lie. Feel free to check his work out on www.hydrophobic.no and watch this video in full resolution on a big screen (and with sound on)!

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Virtual tour of Penlee Lifeboat

Want to know what the Penlee lifeboat Ivan Ellen looks like inside and below deck?  Through the services of local virtual reality firm, Ocean3D you can!

Take the virtual tour here

Monday 10 April 2017

Disillusioned with Brussels, many French fishermen appear ready to throw in their lot with the far right — if they vote at all.

BOULOGNE-SUR-MER, France — Trawlermen in France’s largest fishing port say they will either be voting for Marine Le Pen in next month’s presidential election, or for no one at all.

Boulogne was not always a stronghold of the far-right National Front (FN), and it is only over the last decade that traditionally left-wing French fishermen have veered in the other direction.

In many ways, the sole and halibut fishermen of Boulogne are classic protest voters. Their main complaint is that mainstream French politicians have deserted them, but they are paradoxical converts to the FN, often at odds with with Le Pen’s nationalist, Euroskeptic agenda. Several fishermen insisted that departure from the EU could undermine their business, and some also stressed the importance of being able to hire migrant crews, including Africans.

Despite those differences in outlook, there is no doubting Le Pen’s lure in Pas-de-Calais, the FN leader’s stomping ground in northeastern France, where she is a regional councillor. Fifteen out of the 20 fishermen who spoke to POLITICO in Boulogne said they would vote for Le Pen.

“She is one of us,” said skipper Loïc Margollé, as he and his six-man crew loaded water and groceries on board the 100-ton Saint Jacques in preparation for its next voyage in search of flatfish.

Margollé added that the fishing pedigree of Le Pen’s family played well in the fleet. Her father Jean-Marie fished langoustines from Brittany before founding the National Front in 1972. A native of La Trinité-sur-Mer, Jean-Marie’s own father died when his boat snagged a mine in its nets during World War II.

A long-term National Front supporter, Loïc Margollé says this is the year Marine Le Pen will finally win the election | Photo by Kait Bolongaro

“Her connection to fishing made me vote for her in 2012 and I’ll vote for her again this year,” Margollé said. “Whether it’s the ridiculous [EU] quotas or the price of fuel, I can barely get by as a fisherman today.”

Margollé was one of the few fishermen who actually wanted to leave the EU. Although many grumbled about quotas, most also feared the consequences of being ejected from the European single market and losing access to other countries’ waters.

Fishing for votes

The FN is not taking the fishermen’s votes for granted. Regional councillor Antoine Guillot spends much of his time meeting with captains and crews to promote his party’s plan to reinvigorate French fishing.

“The National Front is the only party listening to fishermen. They’ve had enough of Brussels and quotas, which is why we want to regain sovereignty over our waters,” said the young party member, with the blue FN lapel pin on his suit jacket.

Courting the fishermen makes sense around Boulogne-sur-Mer. At the national level, fishermen are a minor economic concern, representing a tiny fraction of 1 percent of gross domestic product, but the fishing sector accounts for a far more consequential 10 percent of jobs in Boulogne. Only southern Brittany, at the far north-west tip of France, compares in terms of fishing’s share of the local economy, but its politics are resolutely centrist.

“I am just fed up with all the lies and false promises. We need results to save our profession from sinking and Brussels has too much power over our fishing” — Laurent Merlin

During the regional elections in Nord-Pas-de-Calais in 2015, the Socialists had to withdraw from the second round or face a Le Pen victory. Only five years earlier, a left-wing candidate won the same region with nearly 52 percent of the vote.

In the 2012 presidential elections, François Hollande received nearly 30 percent of votes during the first round in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Boulogne’s département. Marine Le Pen came in second with 25 percent.

Despite the party’s desire to win more fishing votes, the FN program remains vague on what it will do to help fishermen. Le Pen does promise a referendum on France’s membership of the EU, with no specific mention of territorial waters or repatriating quotas.

There is also a promise of so-called “economic patriotism” that would prioritize fishing products caught by French fishermen. The big idea is that the authorities will buy up some catch for consumption in state-run institutions.

Among the other front-runners, Emmanuel Macron, leader of the centrist En Marche movement, sees the future of French fishing as squarely part of the EU. François Fillon, the candidate of the center-right Les Républicains, has promised to defend French fishing in Brussels, particularly during the upcoming Brexit negotiations.

Benoît Hamon from the Socialist Party is focusing on sustainable fisheries, while far-left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon has promised fishermen their own oceans ministry.

Changing tack

Across the Liane River that cuts through Boulogne, the presidential election is on the minds of Boulogne’s artisanal fishermen. With 51 vessels under 15 meters, small boats dominate the fishing off the coast of Pas-de-Calais.

Still sprightly after their 3 a.m. start, three men clamber off the 12-meter Laurent Geoffrey. For the captain, Laurent Merlin, Brussels is the bane of his existence. After previously voting for various right- and left-wing candidates, he is now throwing his lot in with the FN.

“I’m not voting for Le Pen out of conviction,” Merlin said. “I am just fed up with all the lies and false promises. We need results to save our profession from sinking and Brussels has too much power over our fishing.”

Jean Louis Malfoy, a seasoned, tattooed deckhand, is also backing the FN over what he considers to be an erosion of labor rights.

Jean Michael Merlin (left), Laurent Merlin (center) and Jean Louis Malfoy (right) are all supporting the National Front after becoming disenchanted by other political parties | Photo By Kait Bolongaro

“I have no problem with immigrants. I just think we need more social protection,” he said.

Most of the fishermen echoed Malfoy’s sentiment. Theirs was a protest vote, not an offensive against immigrants.

“I’d prefer France to stay in Europe. We need more of the quota, but I think that’s a problem of politicians listening more to scientists than fishermen,” said Alexis Ternisien, a young deckhand on La Providence who is voting for Le Pen.

Other fishermen simply won’t cast a ballot.

Loïc Deparis has just docked the Saint Jean Pierre. His candidate of choice, Philippe Poutou from the far-left New Anticapitalist Party (NPA), is unlikely to garner enough of the vote to make it to the second round.

“I’m not going to vote. It won’t change anything. [Poutou] won’t even make it past the first round and I don’t want to support the FN,” said the softly spoken 24-year-old, unloading a fresh catch of sole.

For Stéphane Pinto, vice president of the local chapter of the committees for maritime fisheries and fish farming, fishermen have been cast across the political spectrum like rag dolls. Promised jobs by an impassioned Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007, Pinto says many fishermen shifted their votes to the right. Then, François Hollande enticed some to return to their left-wing roots with “disappointing results.”

“All our fishermen I speak to say the same thing: I am voting Le Pen or not at all. I honestly don’t know who I’ll vote for myself,” he said, his hands sunk in his pockets.

The year of Le Pen

Ashore, much of the local economy is supported by fishing. Shopkeepers hawk glistening piles of sole, crab and cod laid out on crushed ice, in small blue-and-white stalls. While it is overwhelmingly men who go to sea, their wives are heavily involved in selling their catch.

For the past 25 years, Sandrine Pinto has sold her husband’s fish. She has worked through two reforms of the Common Fisheries Policy, under which she says quotas for key species like cod and sea bass have repeatedly been reduced. To alleviate the financial pressure, the family diversified their catch to crab and lobster.

“It’s expensive to buy new equipment because we don’t have enough quota to survive,” she said, rearranging her sole on a fresh bed of ice. “My son is now also a fisherman, but I would’ve liked him to do something else. Fishing isn’t a job of the future.”

Her neighbor Christine Delsart doesn’t have the same misgivings. She works side-by-side with her daughter, Magalie, and sales assistant, Patrick, selling the fish caught by her husband and two sons. A long-time Le Pen supporter, Delsart believes 2017 will be remembered as the year the National Front finally won the presidency.

“I’ve always liked her message to support French people,” said the shopkeeper, bagging a sole for a customer. “For me, Marine Le Pen is the only way forward for fishermen and for France.

Story courtesy of the Politico's website.

Newsnight on BBC2 ran a similar story from the centre of France recently - only in that piece voters have lost faith in any of the main politicians and are turning to outsiders for a radical change in politics.

Sunday 9 April 2017

If only they had voted the other way - where would we be today?

The local paper, The Cornishman ran a story on the 31st of August 1972 about plans being submitted to the Government to double the size of the harbour by building a new pier from Tolcarne and extending the South pier as a breakwater. 

There were three plans submitted in all but this was the most ambitious - supported by Penzance Town Council, Cornwall Sea Fisheries Committee, and as it turned out, all the private boat owners in the port.  Normally, there was a 50% grant available but the harbour authorities were looking to get substantially more than that - citing the huge importance of the project.  As it turned out, history shows that the outcome was not what the majority of fishermen at the time wanted - it is easy with the benefit of hindsight to say just how shortsighted this decision was to prove!

The plan shows the new quay and hard standing area to be created which would have effectively doubled the size of the harbour.

The story as it was reported in the Cornishman in August 1973.

The proposals were still being argued about nearly a year later - when the Commissioners decoded to get the opinions of skippers and owners from the port at a mass meeting held in St Peter's Church, Newlyn in March, 1973.  Most of the port's skippers attended and voted unanimously to support the necessary increase in harbour dues and to support the new harbour plans.

On a lighter note, it was good to see local shellfish merchants W Harvey & Sons were keen to employ only 'wanted women' in Newlyn!  Presumably women who were not wanted were rubbish at picking crab?

Saturday 8 April 2017

As a small-scale fisherman, the EMFF supports you throughout your professional life. It also supports your fishing community in its development. It can help you to train yourself or your partner, or hire a trainee.

It can help you to invest in your first new boat, in new fishing gear, in new engines or in on-board equipment. It can also help you to improve your fishing practices, add value to your catch or diversify your economic activities.

If you are using a fishing vessel less than 12 m long and with no towed gear, you can, under certain conditions, benefit from preferential access and higher rates of public support: up to 30 percentage points more in most cases, and up to 35 percentage points more in the EU’s outermost regions and the remote Greek or Croatian islands.
This leaflet lists all the options available under the EMFF. However, since measures are financed jointly by the EU and the Member States, it is up to each Member State to decide which of these options to open up. I encourage you to get in touch with your national EMFF managing authority to find out more.


Not all the above measures are available in all Member States, and the specific conditions of implementation of the EMFF vary from country to country (and even from region to region in the same country).

Contact the EMFF Managing Authority of your home country to find out when and for which forms of support you can apply.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Citizen science meets stock and operational management become as one.

Brief overview of Remote Electronic Monitoring, how it works and stakeholder perspectives. Remote monitoring should be seen as an investment rather than a cost.

It is difficult to manage anything if you don't measure/monitor it. REM provides a comprehensive and low cost approach to monitoring fisheries.  This video promotes a real-world solution where fishermen themselves - given that, collectively they are being best placed to provide data - can provide full catch accountability, real-time data and a "daily fish forecast".  As valid as data collected from fisheries research vessels is it cannot compare to the sum total of data received in real time by the entire fleet. Today's processing and comms technology (which even a smartphone is capable of handling) available today means we have moved on well beyond the point of relying on a handful of research vessels with limited time and spatial resources subject to ever-reducing funding support.

Most of the industry has already shown the integrity with which it embraced change to fishing habits and gear modification to show effective at management of stocks - as recent figures from ICES on NS and other NE Atlantic stocks indicates.

Thanks to @Mogens_Schou for the heads up on this.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Fishing Future from Costing the Earth

Listen in to BBC Radio 4's Tom Heath as he did the rounds of the UK to put together a range of views from fishermen north and south of the border

The British fishing industry suffered decades of sharp decline during our membership of the European Union. The European Common Fisheries Policy has long been regarded by many as a disaster, both for fishermen and for fish stocks. So will Brexit bring a bright new dawn? Will fishing boats from other nations be forced from our waters, could new 200 mile limits provide our fleet with copious fish to catch? Or will our Brexit negotiators focus on maintaining markets for big businesses like finance and the car industry, offering our fish stocks as sacrificial prawns?

Tom Heap visits fishing communities in Peterhead, Hastings and Brixham to gauge the mood and meets the conservationists hoping that new measures could revive our fish stocks.

Plenty of food for thought from some of the comments - crucially over the ability of UK ministers to negotiate quota shares on stocks already at MSY.  We will be waiting with baited breath!