Friday, 15 November 2019
Twas a not so #FishyFriday in Newlyn.
There was a distinct lack of fish on the market this morning...
with just a handful of boxes from the beam trawler Resurgam...
including a box of discards...
a handful of John Dory...
box of big tub gurnards...
a few bass...
and a few big Dovers...
while mackerel came from a handful of handliners who raved the weather yesterday...
with heavy loud...
and rain showers presiding over the bay...
as the Karen of Ladram takes ice...
some of her next landing of MSC Certified hake will no doubt end up on the tables of diners at the Pig On the Beach near Swanage in Dorset along with monk and those superb sardines...
it takes a while to feed 7 tons of ice aboard...
many of the fleet tied up for the night out of the weather...
always good to see the lifeboat tucked up in port...
first light...
casts an eerie glow over the old sidewinder, Sara Shaun...
22 years ago this week the Margaretha Maria was lost with all hands off the Lizard. One of those lost, Vince Marshall enjoyed crisp and kitkat sandwiches. Still miss your company.