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Showing posts with label Breizh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breizh. Show all posts

Friday 18 January 2019

Brexit without agreement: the government takes place at the footpaths and ports

The Guilvinec is the premiere landing port of artisanal fishing in France.

Still no agreement found on Brexit. The "no deal" scenario is worrying. On Thursday 17 January, Edouard Philippe announced the launch of a "plan" to deal with the possibility of a sudden exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. An announcement that resonates in Brittany.

"Our responsibility is to ensure that our country is ready and safeguard the interests of our citizens" , says Edouard Philippe. To prepare the "no deal" scenario when the United Kingdom leaves Europe, the Prime Minister sets up a "plan" .

Prepared since April 2018, it "includes legislative measures and legal measures aimed at ensuring that there is no interruption of rights and that the rights of our fellow citizens or our businesses are effectively protected" , said the head of government, Thursday, January 17.

The hypothesis of a Brexit without agreement is less and less improbable. Our responsibility is to ensure that our country is ready and to protect the interests of our fellow citizens: I decided to trigger the #Brexit plan without an agreement since April 2018.

Jobs in danger
The lack of agreement darkens the horizon of Breton ports. Nearly half of the catches of fleets come from British waters. Except that a hard Brexit would close the access of British waters to European and therefore Breton fishermen.

In Brittany, 150 crews are likely to find themselves in great difficulty. "Thousands of jobs will be impacted," warns Olivier Le Nezet, representative of the Regional Committee for Sea Fisheries and Marine Livestock (CRPMEM) of Brittany .

On 10 January, the European Parliament's Transport Committee drew up a new route for the maritime corridors in order to establish direct links between the Irish coasts and the European continent if Brexit is successful. Saint-Malo, Roscoff and Brest have found place in the device.

Édouard Philippe announced " a plan of about 50 million euros investment in French ports and airports " , or "the places most concerned by the changes to be made ".

Brexit: Breton ports integrated into the new route of maritime corridors (Use Google translate to read this article)

Resources at risk
A plan to accompany the fishing sector, which is "most likely to be hit hard by this exit without agreement" , is also under consideration. Indeed, the "no deal" would force the boats and quotas to refer to other sectors, West Britain and Golf de Gascogne.

"If all the boats that work in the British zone come to work in our areas, we will all bring the same fish for a period, so the prices will fall and the resources will be depleted " , worries Gwenael Le Floch, boss of the Damocles .

The UK is not immune
France is the largest importer of British seafood products. The United Kingdom would also have a lot to lose if the negotiations go wrong.

After the National Assembly, the Senate must finally adopt Thursday the draft law preparing France to any form that would take the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, including a Brexit "hard". "Five ordinances will be presented to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday and published in the next three weeks , " added Philippe.

Report Aurélie Janssens, Lionel Bonis, Gwenaël Hamon and Raphaëlle Besançon.
Posted on 17/01/2019 at 19:08

Translated by Google from the original article in French from France3.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Brexit - Breton fishermen expect the worst.

Elected and members of representative bodies of Breton fisheries were present, Saturday, in Quimper, Breizhmer conference 06/10/2018.

The Brexit deadline is approaching and the fishermen are still in the fog. This Saturday, in Quimper, the meeting of the fishing and aquaculture sector in Brittany was an opportunity to discuss the major risks expected next year for Breton fleets deprived of access to British waters.

"A hard Brexit is looming. How to anticipate it, what consequences? ". The first paper debated this Saturday at the BreizhMer conference by the fishing and aquaculture sector in Brittany wanted to know more about the negotiations between the European Union and the United Kingdom. On the other hand, the consequences of the recovery of their exclusive economic maritime zone by the British, which could be catastrophic for the Breton fishing industry, were illustrated. It is no coincidence that 92% of fishermen across the Channel voted for Brexit (according to academic Mark Wise, quoted on Sunday by France Inter). They consider that the interests of British fishermen were originally sold to facilitate entry into the European Union.

"A vital issue"

It is Jacques Pichon, director of the fishing company La Houle de Saint-Guénolé (120 employees), which was the most concrete. "50% of the activity of our eleven offshore trawlers is in British waters. In Saint-Guénolé, we are the last fishing company present, we make live the activities of landing, wholesale, engineering workshops. The stakes are therefore vital. If there is a failure of negotiations, the first thing we will do to save our business will be to postpone it to other fishing areas. Then there will be the problem of allocation of fishing rights. There will be boat lay-ups, a drop in the supply by auction, job losses "(*).


The worst, a "hard" Brexit, is not yet certain. Philippe de Lambert des Granges, Brexit project director at the Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, emphasized that we were heading towards a "negotiated Brexit" before the deadline of 30 March 2019.

This would mean that a "withdrawal agreement" from the UK would be worked on for a transitional period of two years until 2021, when a treaty of relationship between the two entities would be signed. Currently, this "negotiated Brexit" is still bogged down on the issue of Northern Ireland.

Breton trawlers often make use of UK ports like Newlyn..

Shellfish growers too

"At the Breton level, there were 170 boats that at least fished a kilo of fish in British waters," said Philippe de Lambert des Granges. At the national level, they are 520. Of the seven European Union countries concerned by British waters, this activity represents nearly one billion turnover. A closure of these waters would therefore have a very important economic impact with less input (26,000 tonnes at stake estimated at the French level), less trading, trading and ultimately employment ". And not only for the fishing industry. "We have a lot of exchanges with Northern Ireland and Scotland, mainly on oysters," said Philippe Le Gal, chairman of the regional committee for shellfish farming in southern Brittany.

Loser in all cases

The challenge is to limit the damage for the Breton sectors. "Even with a negotiated Brexit, there will be a renegotiation of European quotas, says Jacques Pichon. This will involve new losses for French fishermen, while there is already a shortage of some stocks. This loss of quota will also affect the inshore fishery.

The coming years are therefore very dangerous for the Breton fishermen. No wonder the Breton, Ambroise Guellec, former secretary of state for the sea under Jacques Chirac from 1986 to 1988, one of the honoured witnesses invited, wondered about the real political consideration in France of the dangers of Brexit for fishing.

(*) It is estimated that 120 Breton boats, which frequent the waters of the south of England and around Wales, will be impacted by the Brexit (90 deep-sea and about thirty coastal). That's about 50,000 tonnes of fish, which is one-third of the tonnage at auction.

Translated from the full story courtesy of Le Télégramme https://www.letelegramme.fr/finistere/quimper/brexit-les-pecheurs-bretons-s-attendent-au-pire-07-10-2018-12099711.php#9cfZe1kwoth2JCra.99