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Monday 27 November 2023

Monday morning's market end-to-end with fish!

With a sky like that, you just know the odd shower will catch people out today..

youcan barely see the auction floor this morning with big trips of hake from the netters...

like the Ocean Pride...




and Britannia V...

along with plenty of pollack...

and haddock...

the odd bonito...

while the beam trawlers put ashore their usual mic of fish including these red mullet...


and brill

this big conger is full of roe - known locally as chittlings....

there's still a few John Dory to be had if you know where to go...

no sign of the sun just yet...

at this time of year, the bulk of any beam trawl trip usually consists of three species of fish, plaice

Dover sole...

and monk...

inshore boats target the likes of grey mullet...


jigged squid...

and the odd herring...

while the lcal crabbers are still seeing the odd mediterranean octopus in the ir pots...

with some settled weather over the weekend the bluefun tuna boats were out in force, three good sized fish were landed...

and carefully checked over by the MMO...

and just for the record, the first Blue fin tunas landed to Newlyn were from Elle V SS697 on September 23rd, the second was landed on the 27th caught by my Milky and Reg fishing from a catamaran  - their fish (above) weighed in at 238kg (525lbs) and was 101 inches long!..

the very best of inshore fish just shine, like these bass...

and red mullet...

there was hardly room to move in Zone 3 of the market...

with some 7st boxes tightly packed with fish...

and plenty of dogs, the bane of netters' lives...

looks like these guys will be washing boxes from dawn to dusk...

they come from all over...

after several centuries on the seabed, this old anchor now reveals its method of construction...

St Georges up on the slip...

the safe working area indicated for the cane.