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Friday 8 September 2023

'Tiz a fully foggy #FishyFriday in Newlyn

Much of the harbour seems hidden first thing this morning...

but inside the market it's clear as a bell that there are plenty of fish to keep the online buyers happy...

like these John Dory...

and ray wings...

a rare landing of a bonito tuna...

along with Dover sole...

monk tails...

and more Dory...

overnight the sardine boats were busy...

and a few scallopers are still finding shells to the south west...

handliners picked up a few bass in the fine weather...

and the Maverick was able to work well offshore for some prime line caught pollack...


and mackerel made up the rest of the inshore landings...

the biggest scalloper in the UK was barely visible across the harbour...

though getting closer revealed the smiling face of young Will Gillespie, having spent many years beam trawling from Newlyn his more nomadic existence on the Albion rarely seems him grace the port with his presence...

looks like the fuel and grub...

 have just arrived for his next trip...

looking out to sea the fog is beginning to move eastwards...

the back of the South Pier scouring from the shellfish tank outlet reveals a heavy build up of shingle...

IFCA boat, St. Piran, barely visible in the fog...

clears the gaps...

and heads off into the fog, unusual as the boat normally gets to go to sea on a Wednesday so a combination of a Friday outing and thick fog inshore might just bring a surprise or two!..

Penzance is kind of half in and half out of the sea fog...

another day on the slip should see the work completed on the Lily Grace...

passengers on the Scillonian III are treated to a view of the Mount seldom seen...

all but the top of the castle obscured by fog!

ships seemingly sailing into oblivion!