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Monday 3 July 2023

Man of the moment in Newlyn this Monday morning.

Busy scenes around the fish market this morning...

and an excellent view of New Spirit, one of the newest inshore boats to arrive...

hake this morning came courtesy of the Britannia V and the Ajax...

no signs yet that the Mediterranean octopus invasion s over...

or that spurdogs are doing anything but increasing in number...

tub gurnard...

and John Dory were an added bonus from the Ajax...

while a few of the netters landed sots of turbot...

and more JDs...

boxes of these guys...

seem to be less common than bass!..

good to see the younger generation of fishermen coming through, young Jamie here has just bought his own boat and is busy making it seaworthy...

while one of the most experienced fisherman in the fleet checks up with the driver where his broken down vivier lorry has go to, this is the sort of skipper that needs listening to when it comes to informing management tools like the Fisheries Management Plan, Alan Nudd has fished all his life, inshore, offshore, trawling, netting and potting - what he doesn't know about how the tide ebbs and flows around the Cornish coast isn't worth knowing - relying on tidal charts, as the Coastguard did when sending oft search boats after a diver went missing off the Longhsips years ago, it was Alan who informed them that they were looking in entirely the wrong direction - the benefit of years spent fishing in that area with both trawl and pots...

three crab boats waiting to land, June not the best month for crab catches or prices...

the Karl fleet at rest...

the irony, cuttlefish pots covered in....cuttlefish eggs...

sure signs the sardines are on their way...

but don't get out of your depth...

or, if you do, wear waders...

 name the bird spotted while...

sketching near Lands End yesterday.