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Monday 26 June 2023

Keeping a beady eye.

Sparkling Star arrives at the fish market to land...

while this guy keeps a beady eye on proceedings from sea level...

possible signs of glit in the water, normally a good indication that the sardines are about to show up...

it's good to see Lionel stepping out in his new workwear this morning on his first shift after several months off work following major heart surgery...

just in time to see some heavy groundwork machinery delivered...

this morning - the North Pier will be shut to all vehicles during the course of a major upgrade - full details here...

first of the visiting yachts bound away...

as the tide swirls around the gaps Trevessa IV busy with gear on the Stone quay...

more painting to be done on the Stelissa...

Monday's morning market means monk a-plenty...

along with hake from the Ygraine

Sparkling Star...

and Britannia V...

along with shots of turbot...

and signs that landings of Mediterranean octopus are still a feature...

whole monk can only mean one thing, there's a Scotsman in town...

the market is never short of ray wings...

and this morning there were good supplies of whiting and other whitefish...

out in the bay, th Trinity House vessel Galatea lays at anchor...

as all hands muster on deck to set the sails on the Spirit of Falmouth.