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Tuesday 31 January 2023

From Brittany: Fishing: the proliferation of octopus in Breton waters harms shellfish.


Octopus has made a sensational arrival in Breton waters and on French plates. A species, present in this place because of global warming, which feeds on scallops and other shellfish. Tony Samseu and his fellow fishermen go to sea, with the aim of finding octopus , their new activity. Before, they fished for shellfish, but the animal is proliferating on the Brittany coast and devouring scallops. In the cabin, the captain has his eyes riveted on his charts. For shellfish, the arrival of octopus, five kilos on average and more than a meter long, is not good news

The fear of the disappearance of certain fisheries:

The species multiplies very quickly and takes everything in its path. “ A lobster entered the trap, the octopus also entered and ate the lobster. What happens in the trap with the lobster, the same thing must happen at the bottom ”, notes Tony Samseu. The situation is even more dramatic for scallop fishermen. “ The fear is that the diversity of professions will decrease, because we only have octopus left to fish ”, explains Morgane Ramonet, project manager at the Finistère fisheries committee. The presence of octopus on the coasts of Brittany is certainly due to global warming.

Full story from C.Blondiaux, G.Sabin, P.Lacotte at France 2 France Televisions