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Monday 19 December 2022

Winter gale sees plenty of fish on Monday morning's market in Newlyn

Not a view from a wheelhouse window but the 14:30 fromPaddington to Penzance as it passed through Dawlish on Sunday - a good day to be looking out rather than in!..

wind the clock forward to Monday morning and the severe weather has blown most of the fleet back to port - last to enter is the hake netter, Ajax with a full trip of hake on board destined for those pre-Christmas fish suppers throughout the land this week...

meanwhile, the market is full of fine fish from all sectors of the fleet......

with every type of ray imaginable...

and some cracking big turbot from the ~Billy Rowney...

a mix of cephalopods...

and a bass that I'm surprised didn't end up in someone's 'homer' bag on the Spirited lady!...

despite the weather some of the more hardy inshore guys raved some heavy seas to net a few cracking examples of inshore fish like this mullet...



and mackerel using lines and jigs...

as ever, inshore red mullet make the best money, a match in looks for any Koy carp!...

and these cracking John Dory have to be a good choice for the festive table...

top local skipper Billy Worth brought his big red beam trawler Elizabeth of Ladram alongside the fish market to make a seasonal landing... 

his crew busy overhauling the chain mats before heading for a well earned break.


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