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Friday 2 December 2022

Fabulous #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

When it comes to the light in Newlyn, while late winter evenings have their appeal...

it is the morning light that is so special...

and makes for such a great backdrop to all those hard at work as day breaks......

Friday's market was full of fish, much of it line or net caught like these coley...

and pollack from Britannia V...

cuttles came from both inshore and beam trawls...

while squid seem to have at last put in an appearance in numbers being caught by both trawl

and handliners working jigs...

a turbot this big needs a big oven, or careful filleting...

there were plenty of hake boxes of all grades to choose from, these from the netter Stelissa...

and these monster MSC Certified hake from the Ygraine...

the beam trawler Billy Rowney brought us brill, fish of the day last week in our journey from A-Z in the alphabet of fish landed here in Newlyn - and yes, there is a fish beginning with Z, often plaguing the cod ends of trawlers fishing handy to the Scillys...

Tom on the Guardian picked up a cracking red mullet...

and a few handy bass...

top eating fish haddock are seldom off the auctioneer's list in the morning...

pristine megrims form the Ygraine...

and of course there is hardly a market without monk tails, the mainstay of the beam trawl fleet when megs are scarce...

while the very best in pollack always feature when the netting fleet land...

though Brackan on the Spirited Lady III is a dab hand at catching them...

there's bass by the boxful...

and bream of course...

name this fish, landed by the Pelagic Marksman...

more pristine pollack from the Annie May...

as a few early contrails streak across the dawn sky...

which in turn lights up the Fishermen's Arms, which is due to open today after a catastrophic fire wiped out the pub before the Covid lockdowns!...

not wanting to miss yet another glorious start to the day, local artist Clare Bowen works as quickly as she can in her impressionistic style, having set up in the dark in order to capture the harbour at its best.

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