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Tuesday 6 December 2022

Attention all fishing industry - in Cornwall!




1.1 Background

In order to represent its members effectively and contribute to the development of the wider economy and society of Cornwall, CFPO needs up to date information detailing the size, nature and full value of fishing and seafood to the economy and communities of Cornwall.  

CFPO also needs to have a robust baseline of key metrics against which to compare progress against their recent strategic plans.

Much reliance has been placed on a report of the direct and indirect contribution of fishing to the economy of SW England (mostly Devon and Cornwall) published in 2003.

Detailed data on the fishing fleet, catch areas, landings, profit, Gross Value Added, jobs etc are available in the online Seafish Fleet Enquiry Tool.  This information can be filtered to include only Cornwall and can be split by fleet segments and other parameters.  Seafish also presents a useful fish processing sector enquiry tool, which can be filtered to show information for SW England.  

Despite these valuable sources of information, there are no up-to-date estimates of the overall importance of seafood to the Cornwall economy, dependencies of specific ports on the fishing sector or of the value of connections and dependencies of other sectors of the economy in Cornwall.  There is no recent comprehensive overview of the wider welfare, non-monetary benefits of the fishing industry in Cornwall.  And therefore the picture that can be painted and relied up on in important discussions with policy makers and investors is incomplete.

1.2 Who are we

CFPO was established as a Fish Producers Organisation in 1975, and represents one of the most sustainable fleets in Europe.  On behalf of our members we manage quota and contribute to fisheries management, and have a clear strategy for maximising longer term benefit to our members, by working with relevant authorities including Defra, MMO and Cornwall Council.

Our funding comes from contributions on a structured basis from member vessel businesses, quota leasing and sales, and individual project funding from government grant schemes.

1.3 Our purpose

Our purpose is to ensure that we provide a united and authoritative voice for Cornwall’s fishing industry, engaging with relevant authorities to maximise sustainable fishing opportunities for our member vessel businesses.

1.4 What we do

CFPO provides quota management, marketing, representation, contribution to fisheries management operated by Defra and MMO and engages in crucial discussions and negotiations relating to spatial prioritisation, regarding locations of marine protected areas, wind farms and any other marine spatial usage that impinges on fishing.

1.5 Requirements and objectives

We are pleased to invite individual firms or consortia to tender to conduct relevant primary and secondary research to collect relevant data and estimate and describe the full direct, indirect and induced value of seafood to the Cornwall economy and social welfare in Cornwall and to report on findings.  Details on selection process are in sections 5 and 6.

Research methods must be suitable to ensure that data collected can be considered robust, relevant and reliable.

The chosen metrics and measures will inform public and private investment decisions and priortisation of actions to achieve our current strategic plan.  Values will also serve as a baseline against which to monitor progress against our strategic plan.

We envisage three work packages which are detailed below, to reflect research design, data collection and analysis, and reporting.



We want to work with an expert independent team who will lead the design and delivery phases of the research project, to conduct quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis.  

2.1 Scope of work package 1

The work for the design phase will include the following elements:

  1. Meet with CFPO and their project manager to review your proposals and agree a first iteration of what data should be collected and collated, methods, time scales etc.  The metrics and measures used in the previous report (see Annex 1) will be reviewed for inclusion, exclusion, amendment, etc
  2. Contact appropriate other individuals to ensure that plans tie in with any other planned research, avoid needless duplication and maximise value delivered via this research. 
  3. Present research and analysis plans to Advisory Group, to ensure that these are approved.  
  4. Revise and finalise research and analysis plans.
  5. Agree outline of final report with CFPO.

2.2 Metrics and measures to reflect value and importance of seafood to Cornwall

CFPO expects the new report to include estimates and descriptions that will update the report from 2003, see Annex 1 and the previous report.  The project Advisory Group has also indicated an increasing emphasis on community well-being and on marine spatial prioritisation in policy making and therefore proposed metrics and measures should reflect these focus areas.

Despite having ideas about which measures and metrics would be appropriate, CFPO invites bidders to challenge our thinking and propose alternatives or more modern evolutions of how to capture the importance and value of seafood to the whole of Cornwall society and the economy.

2.3 Role of CFPO and/or its project manager in work package 1

CFPO or their appointed project manager will carry out the following aspects during the project:

  1. Liaise with supplier to ensure clarity of aims and desired outputs from the project
  2. Review draft design of research and analysis before research commences
  3. Liaise with and seek input and contributions from CFPO board trustees

2.4 Scope exclusions for work package 1

We do not want you to propose solutions to any investment discussions or fisheries management issues that may be raised during the research.

2.5 Outputs from work package 1

CFPO expects the design phase will lead to agreed plans for the following:

  1. Detailed primary and secondary research plans, including pilot testing of any primary data collection surveys
  2. Data analysis plans for data collected, specifying metrics and intended historical comparisons or directional changes
  3. Outline of final report, with main sections of findings, methods, etc



Having agreed the research programme, we want the supplier to then conduct the research, collect and analyse data and review initial findings with CFPO.

3.1 Scope of work package 2

The work for the delivery phase will include the following elements:

  1. Conduct secondary data collection from relevant bodies and sources, e.g. fleet data and processing sector data from Seafish and MMO, spatial data from MMO, aquaculture data from Cefas and / or Cornwall Council, recent relevant reports such as those on fishing communities by Defra, relevant input/output tables, demographic data.
  2. Conduct agreed primary data collection programme.
  3. Analyse quantitative and qualitative data collected in line with the plan to produce agreed metrics and estimates
  4. Liaise with the CFPO project manager during primary data collect, to evaluate progress informally and assess the need or benefit of any adjustments to plans [accepting that any change in work load for the supplier may have cost implications].
  5. Present key findings and analytical outputs to CFPO and the project Advisory Group, gather and respond to comments, before proceeding to the reporting phase.

3.2 Role of CFPO in work package 2

CFPO or their appointed project manager will carry out the following aspects during WP2:

  1. Supply contact details or leads for survey participants
  2. Liaise with contributors from CFPO board who may wish to contribute
  3. Liaise with researchers on progress or obstacles arising during the research
  4. Review draft analytical findings before presenting to the Project Advisory Group

3.3 Scope exclusions for work package 2

We do not want the supplier to dwell on the drivers of change but rather to focus on estimating and describing the current and/or most recently available state of affairs.  

3.4 Outputs from work package 2

Work package 2 should result in new data sets, analysis outputs, presented as e.g. graphs, tables, descriptions, and an updated outline of the proposed final report, to reflect any developments during the data collection and analysis phase.



4.1 Scope of work package 3

The work for the reporting phase will include the following elements:

  1. Prepare a proof-read draft report in MS Word and associated PowerPoint slides to reflect the comments on the findings from the Advisory Group.
  2. Supply data sets collected and data analysis work books so that the original versions of graphs and tables are available to CFPO
  3. Revise and finalise the report and slides to reflect comments from the project manager and the Advisory Group.

4.2 Role of CFPO and/or its project manager in work package 3

CFPO or their appointed project manager will carry out the following aspects during WP3:

  1. The project manager will be available for questions and second opinions on preparation of the draft report
  2. Review draft report and comment before circulation to the Advisory Group
  3. Liaise with and seek input and contributions from CFPO board trustees
  4. Agree final report.

4.3 Scope exclusions for work package 3

We do not want the supplier to produce other reporting outputs designed for specific purposes or audiences. A basic report and data sets is all that’s required from this contract.  CFPO intends to seek further professional assistance in creating specific outputs to communicate the findings of this research to various audiences.

4.4 Outputs from work package 3

CFPO expects the reporting phase will generate the following final project outputs:

  1. Final report in Word
  2. Data sets and data analysis work books for data collected
  3. PowerPoint slides presenting highlights of findings.



The supplier, which may be a single firm or a consortium, will ideally have the following skills, knowledge and experience: 

  1. Experienced / qualified in qualitative and quantitative research design, primary data collection, and data analysis 
  2. Experience in reporting research findings 
  3. Experience in research project management.
  4. Familiarity with the UK seafood sector 
  5. Experience of working collaboratively with intended users of an output, to ensure that the output is designed to deliver the desired outcomes for those users.



We will operate a two stage procurement process, supported by an evaluation panel.

6.1 Conditions

By engaging in the tendering process, you agree to be bound by these conditions:

  1. You are not entitled to recover any costs or expenses incurred in responding to this invitation to tender, whether or not you are successful
  2. We reserve the right to cancel the tender process at any time, without notice
  3. We will not accept proposals submitted after the closure date

6.2 Procurement contact

Please direct all communication, in writing unless we agree otherwise, to:

Hazel Curtis

Appointed Project Manager for Cornish Fish Producers Organisation


6.3 Clarification questions

You may ask questions, via email to our procurement contact, from the point you receive this ITT until three days before submission.  We will attempt to respond within two working days. 

6.4 Preparing and submitting your proposal

Your proposal should be submitted in PDF using any structure or style you like, and should include the following information:

Approach and methods – describe fully how you intend to approach and deliver the work packages, what research methods you would use, data analysis techniques and how you will collaborate and communicate with us.

Metrics and measures – tell us what metrics and measures you propose to reflect the full value of the Cornwall seafood industry, and why you’ve chosen them.  Tell us about measures and metrics you don’t recommend, and why not.  

Plan and milestones – provide an outline project plan with milestones, assuming design phase starts in February 2023 and reporting phase ends by June 2023 and showing your team for each phase.

Team and capability – show the resources you’ll use on this project, along with a short biography for each person, explaining their experience and capabilities.

Experience – describe your experience in delivering similar projects, including the length of your experience.  Please include at least two reference projects.

Risks – identify project risks and explain how you will manage them.

Assumptions – mention any assumptions you’ve made in preparing your proposal and explain how they have influenced approach, timings and price.

Exclusions – describe anything you consider out of scope

Price – provide a price breakdown and show day rates for team members in each phase of work.

6.5 Evaluating and selecting proposals

We will evaluate your proposal using these criteria:

Response to briefThe extent to which you understand the objectives of the project, quality of your approach and proposed metrics20%
Delivery capabilityYour ability to deliver, relevant research expertise, the quality of your plan and resources, and your management of risk40%
PriceThe overall cost of delivery the project as outlined in the suggested design and day rates provided30%
IndividualityHow you have differentiated your team from other bidders and innovativeness of your proposal10%

6.6 Presentation for invited bidders

If CFPO is successful in its funding application to the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FASS), we will invite you to present by video if your proposal is in the top two scores from all bidders.

You may structure your presentation in any order, but please include the following information:

  1. Why your team is the best to deliver the project
  2. How you will communicate and collaborate with us to ensure success
  3. Why your approach is likely to be successful and how you have applied it with other customers in similar projects
  4. In your experience, what could go wrong and how to prevent that from happening
  5. What you need from us, to ensure the project is a success
  6. What differentiates your team or your approach other bidders

Presentations will be evaluated against the same criteria as initial bids.

6.7 Bidder notification

We will notify the successful bidder and unsuccessful bidder in writing within one business day of the presentation phase.

If you are the winning bidder, we will invite you to meet with us by video link so that we can provide detailed feedback that informs contract negotiation and project start-up.

6.8 Contract negotiation and award

A duly executed contract must be in place before the project can begin.  This is dependent on CFPO being successful in its funding application to FASS.

A copy of CFPO standard supplier contracts is available upon request.

6.9 Evaluation board

Bids will be reviewed by a panel including the project manager for CFPO and the Chief Executive of CFPO.

6.10 Timetable

While start dates are dependent on response to our funding application, and are unknown, we propose the following milestones and dates where known.

22 NovInvitation to tender published and circulated
13 Dec1700Proposals submitted by bidders
tbc  Jan 2023Assume CFPO is successful in funding bid
Jan 2023Shortlisted bidders notified to present
Pres + 1 dayWinning bidder selected and all bidders notified
Pres + 4 daysPost tender bidder meeting
Mtg + 4 daysContract agreed and signed
Feb 23Project starts