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Friday 16 September 2022

Fine start to #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Where-else would you rather be on such a fine morning...

fish-a-plenty of the market, some of it by-catch destined for the big crabbing fleet...

in the port that consumes several tons of gurnards and dogfish a day to keep the fleet at sea...

top drawer fish like monk tails...

and Dover sole...

and turbot remain firm favourites for chefs with busy fine-dining tables to satisfy...

not forgetting mackerel, echewed by some as nothing more than a 'scavenger' Michelin starred chefs like Richard Corrigan hold the fish in high esteem...

the final market of the week supplied exclusively by inshore and handline boats saw its fair share of ray, another one of those fish that you either love or hate...

as far as we are concerned it is still summer if there are sardines to be had, perfect at this time of year for a dish like sarde in saor - a real treat to impress your dinner guests...

there's plenty of pollack to provide an alternative fish 'n chips supper...

good to see the boys keeping our waters clean, more than some it would seem...

a brace of Nowell boats in reflective mood...

good to see Scotty is getting things ship-shape aboard the Nicola of Ladram...

yet another centuries old anchor trawled from the deeps, ow many more are there out there?...

SS273 Orion bound away for the day...

that's one serious looking bow...

Plymouth registered Admiral Gordon makes her way to the gaps...

the number of visiting yachts at this time of year drops dramatically, most are those making longer more serious passages.