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Wednesday 6 April 2022

Have your say on the fuel crisis!

This event will present an overview of the current fuel crisis from a number of perspectives, and look to the future of fuel in the industry.

Doubling the price of fuel means more than halving the share from a trip.

Fuel prices are currently presenting a major challenge to the viability of the UK fishing fleet. The price of diesel and other fuels has risen considerably in recent months, meaning that many vessels are considering the feasibility of a range of strategies to remain profitable.

The All Part Parliamentary Groupon Fishing event will present an overview of the current crisis from a number of perspectives, to include suggestions for how support from the government or other bodies could help the sector. 

It will also look to the future, considering how changes to technology and regulations may influence vessels to transition to other fuels or potentially other sources of energy altogether. Presentations will be followed by time for discussion of the issues raised.