Friday, 24 January 2020
Newlyn is full of #FishyFrdiay fish.
Plenty of pollack landed this morning from the net boats...
along with spurdogs from the few netters that are licensed to land them - they have a 1 ton quoat per month...
rays of all kind still figure in landings...
pristine pollack...
and a box of sea urchins restaurant bound...
plenty of MSC Certified hake form the Ajax...
big beam trawl trips from the Twilight III and the Algrie were stacked 6 and seven high...
included plenty of Dovers...
a few bass...
some big turbot...
well spotted plaice...
a good selection of brill...
and plenty of big monk tails...
and even more megrim sole...
while all but a few handliners found any mackerel marks worth catching...
huss still make the occasional appearance on the market...
while even though cuttlefish landings seem to have dwindled rapidly they still leave their almost indelible mark on the market floor...
also landing hake was the netter BritanniaV...
along with the odd tub gurnard...
and a mighty ling...
fresh ray ooze a slime, a good sign of their hours-old status...
big visiting scalloper Can Bounteous on passage...
there's no stopping that man Roger.