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Monday 25 November 2019

Sardines galore! Busy start to the week in Newlyn.

Plenty of fish ready for auction to start of the week off in Newlyn...

inshore trawl plaice...

plenty of good sized haddock from the netter Ocean Pride...

and a massive haul of plaice from the beam trawler Sapphire II...

with a much reduced catch of megrim - which would be her preferred target species during the summer months...

just the one black bream...

the buyers home in on the stacks of flat fish...

 Cap'n Haddock or Village People? young Mr Cleave keeps 'em guessing...

top tub gurnard...

heavy mixed fishing with the inshore trawler Harvest Reaper...

pristine turbot...

and monk tails from netter Tracie Clare...

while the bulk of the Ocean Pride's trip was made up of MSC Certified hake...

proudly wearing their Newlyn Harbour visitor's 'teabag' workcoats...

Falfish give new members of staff a close up look at where the fish which they process start their journey from the quayside...

the bulk of the trip from the beamer Sapphire II...

cuttlefish by the ton...

despite the weather the local handliners put ashore a few herring...

and plenty of mackerel...

with deck lights ablaze, just under four weeks to the shortest day mornings in Newlyn are dark enough...

ex-trawler skipper Edward Harvey starts his day net-setting well before sunrise...

the quayside bears tributes to young apprentice engineer Conor Moseley who sadly lost his life while working on one of the port's beam trawlers lat week...

looking out over the bay and harbour, the Newlyn fisherman's memorial...

as the ring-netter Resolute searches for sardine marks...

later on in the day the fleet are back to sea again and hauling just a few hundred yards off the harbour...

with the Resolute hauling the Mayflower readies to shoot her net...

the Pride of Cornwall is surrounded by thousands of hungry gull and gannets...

late to the race, Golden Harvest heads for the gaps...

with crab supplies flooding the market there's ver 8 tons of live brown crab aboard the Intuition waiting for a buyer!