Thursday, 27 December 2018
Newlyn fleet sets sail for the first trips of 2019.
First up to take on boxes, stores...
and ice for her next trip, skipper Alan and rest the crew of the Ajax...
are seen off by fellow crew member Gary who suffered a bad case of 'trawlerman's rash' a few weeks ago, now permanently sticking two fingers, well finger and thumb, up to the world...
leaving Matt and the rest of the crew to sail into the New Year...
ahead of them the Ocean Pride is about to take ice...
the netter Charisma showing signs of just how harsh the weather was in December with it blasting off her new company colours on her bows...
next up the Stelissa...
leaves her Christmas berth...
and heads for the iceworks under a still visible moon...
as one of the local angling boats gets away for a spot of wreck fishing on a day with a fine forecast.