Who you looking at?..
on this fine morning...
one of our boxes is missing...
plenty of fish from every type of boat tis morning keeping yan busy...
including those snaky congers...
thornback ray...
and scallops galore...
two historic views from the market, looking east, the Star Inn - home of the world's first trans-oceanic voyage by a fishing boat from where the Newlyn fishing boat Mystery sailed on this day in 1855 "Star Inn on Newlyn’s Wharfside explains why the seven young men hatched the audacious plan of embarking on the long hazardous voyage to Australia. John Sullivan and his wife Mary Kelynack were landlords of the Star. Both had visited Australia and spoke in glowing terms about its opportunities. The seven young men were shareholders in the Newlyn-built fishing lugger, Mystery (PZ 233) at a time when fishing did not pay its way."
looking west, the Ice Works and the sadly, now shut Newlyn Market Cafe...
back with the fish and it's yet anther solitary cod...
flats are another matter with the beam trawlers bringing in plenty plaice...
and Dovers...
along with monk tails...
and megrims...
and a few haddock...
while scad were picked up by the Silver Dawn...
and the Guardian a mix of ray and cuttles...
inshore trawler on fit-out...
on a big tide near high water...
visiting Brixham beamers from Brixham ...
and Plymouth are keeping harbour staff busy...
as they all vie for quay berths to land
when things will be even more tight next week as the first of the Scottish prawn fleet are due to arrive from this Sunday...
Danny and his crew have spent all week on the quay mending...
and they were not alone. The end of the sardine season is nigh!