Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Mid-week market in Nelwyn.
Hake from two of the netters that landed to the market this morning is snapped up by buyers and snapped by visitor alike...
along with a good run of large haddock...
and a big shot of spurdogs...
by the Silver Dawn...
with her hake...
and that of the Govenek of Ladram...
bright-eyed and not even 24 hours old...
so too the line caught...
while ray and other ground fish from the beam trawler Aaltje Adriaantje...
accompanied her haul of cuttles...
along with plaice...
monk fish tails...
John Dory...
and even a handful of bass...
buyers doing their best to avoid contact with the cuttle tubs that carry so much ink that stains permanently...
not often landed and usually found in deep water, a plus-four...
no mistaking these fish...
probably the best fish of the day...
although scad are more often than not used for bait they do make excellent eating when grilled like herring or sardines and choc-a-block full of Omega-3 for those seeking to bolster their diet with nutritious fish...
looking out to the harbour it is still dark enough at 6:30am...
as first light begins to fill the harbour a short while later...
good to see Bill Worth back in the wheelhouse of the St Georges once again as Roger lands his fish on the back of the lorry...
all set for the next trip...
the AA was one of the boats that landed this morning...
just a few pots from a full fleet for the crabbers...
with the sardines staying close inshore the ringnetter, Lyonesse pumps aboard the last few fish from her early morning haul...
the new compounds for storing gear are now in service on Sandy Cove - an area of the harbour that will see many more businesses and services created over the next few years as the harbour seeks to expand in support of a successful fleet.