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Friday, 23 November 2018

Billy Rowney lands a big beam trawl trip on #FishyFriday.

Thursday evening and as the weather eases...

the Lisa Jacqueline heads for the gaps after taking ice...

Ajax back in port after a tough trip for the guys...

Guiding Star moored up for good? - it would seem not, no sign of young Francis Harris stopping just yet it seems...

and I thought dogs were banned down the quay...

the new wheelhouse under construction atop the shelterdeck...

of the Galilee is taking shape...

thanks to JT Fabrication & Engineering...

first thing Friday morning finds CFPO front man Andy taking a group of Cornwall College Marine and Natural Science students on a tour of the #FishyFriday auction...

and shows them an example of a megrim sole, just one of over 30 species landed on the market today...

which included witches...

very similar to megrim sole...

along with mink tails

and a huge (for a beam trawler) 35 box haul of John Dory - young Mr Nowell would be šŸ¤¢...

must be Andy's story of the one that got away...

this box made it back to its home port...

last of the fish to be counted...

by Gary from Cefas...

the entire catch of cuttles for the Billy Rowney...

boats fishing north of Lands End generally see more thornback ray...

while this number of boxes of hake is even more unusual for a beam trawler...

name this fish?..

good to see young Geoff in the thick of it for Ocean Fish...

looking like a few netted bass...

always good to see these guys on the market...

the last of the netters to land for this neap tide was the Amanda of Ladram...

happy Newlyn cod.