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Friday 1 April 2016

Full of the finest #FishyFriday fish!

A very wet looking moon hangs over Newlyn this morning, portent of a damp day perhaps...

something Tom will be keeping an eye on...

two unexpected beam trawlers figured on the landing board this morning...

so for a lucky few buyers there were limited supplies of top quality fish like these Dover soles...

and some cracking big turbot...

for those with the kind of customers...

who deal with only the best fish that Newlyn can offer like these red mullet...


and at the other end of the market where the boxes were stacked four or five high...

there were plenty of good sized hake...

and a handful of the very biggest 6+ kilo fish...

huge ling...

and plenty of ray for the more discerning buyers...

with bidding keen as ever of a #FishyFriday...

even for the end of season cuttles...

and beginning of season haddock...

ray don't get better than these day-boat fish from the Imogen III...

a 'git louster' of a ling to use the Cornish vernacular for the very biggest examples...

 as always the fish from the Lisa...

is bright and shiny...

this little chap bears the name of that most famous African tribe and the eponymous film named after them...

a walk in the dark for the Ministry...

as the fish begin to be whisked away...

for the next week there is a great opportunity to enjoy classic sailing on the kind of boat...

that moved huge amounts of goods around the Cornish coast...

the Bessie Ellen...

is a stunning example, maintained as she would have been on the day she was launched in Plymouth in 1904...

she would have visited Mount's Bay on many occasions...

these days the quayside in Newlyn is filled with fishing gear like these pots waiting to go aboard the Rowse crabbers and deployed at sea...

all set for the next trip aboard the Admiral Grenville...

wood boat building skills are very much alive in the south-west... 

with courses available at Falmouth Marine School...

 to see that the skills required are not lost to generations to come able to build in sustainable wood and not steel...

a look away East as the sun cracks the cloud...

the business end of the ex-landing craft Seven Sins from Keynvor Marine Contractors...

a painterly scene for anyone wishing to brave the chilly morning air...

with the local gigs in still waters...

waiting for the off, heavy fish transport with the iceworks in the background...

must have been quite a day for Debs in the Star Inn with some of the ports more legendary fishing socialites enjoying birthdays...

no way through past the Mission today...

guess the Newlyn School artist from the brushwork.