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Monday 25 January 2016

Monk and megrim on a Monday Monday morning.

Monk tails...

and megrims...


and red mullet...

name these fish?...


and even bigger monk tails...

plenty of fish to keep the buyers busy this Monday morning...

and the Ninja photographer...

now where is that otolith...

this morning's prices seem to be the cause of some consternation judging by Colin's reaction...

though putting the boot in would seem to be a little drastic...

what seals do to net fish given the chance...

all eyes on auctioneer Ryan...

#bass, the subject of a story on last night's #Countryfile - just where did they get the data from to calculate that anglers account for 25% of the bass landed in the UK? - ...

looking down the viewfinder...

just a solitary grey mullet on the market this morning...

it is that time of year again, spawning time so there are good supplies of big roe on the market, maybe some homemade Taramasalata is called for...

king of the claws...

no sign of landed discards as yet on the market but other ports are reporting the tipping of such fish...

not something to worry the netting fleet when fishing form white fish as they use 125mm mesh nets so they do not catch undersized fish at all...

the mackerel men would be happy to see bigger shoals these days...

a 4 kilo turbot staked up would be ideal for a restaurant on the 'specials of the day' board...

on a good day the bulk of a netter's trip of hake fall in the 2-3 kg grade...

just the two beam trawlers this morning...

but with the UK about to be hit by the remnants of snowstorm Jonas due to hit the south west tomorrow afternoon bringing strong to gale force winds for the next few days most of the fleet will be held in port...

though the netters are bound by the tides of course and at the moment the big Spring tide for once coincides with the impending poor weather.