Friday, 18 September 2015
The guys have all gone fishing on #FishyFriday !
Now it is still proper dark at 6am with the sun barely casting any light on the horizon leaves Tom peering into the gloom...
necessitating deck lights still on boats like the inshore trawler, Boy Lee...
much needed as the amount of free deck space is very limited...
apart from a dozen boxes from the Boy Lee on the market there was just a handful of line caught...
fish from the punts working for bass like these from Cap'n Cod...
and mackerel...
otherwise the market was devoid of any trip fish from trawlers, netters or beamers...
leaving cleaning down a quick job this morning...
out down the quays some of the boats are ready to sail...
while the lorry park waits expectantly for Monday...
which should see more than just a single trawler against the fish market...
when the rest of the fleet head for home to land.