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Friday, 7 August 2015

#FishyFriday says, "Good morning Irene, good morning!"

Keeping a handful of visiting yachts company, the classic West Country Trading ketch Irene anchored off Newlyn...

seen contré jour makes for a different scene...

must be a good sign, a double rainbow beams down on the Sapphire II...

and the Serene Dawn in the process of landing early season sardines at the fish market... 

where a couple of beam trawlers and a few inshore boats have put fish on this week's fish starved market... 

giving the buyers a chance to open their cheque books...

especially for such top quality fish like these red mullet...

and the ever-so-versatile monk tails form the Sapphire II...

magnificent shining examples of mighty mackerel...

make up a good part of #FishyFriday's fish...

while alongside the market the Seeren Dawn begins to discharge her night's work 

as more regular shots of Cornish sardines are coming ashore, Tom reaches out to grab the clip of the brailer to release the fish into a waiting tub... 

the process repeated until all 9 tonnes are put ashore...


and ready for the lorry transport...

it's been a quiet week thanks to the unseasonal weather!