Monday, 20 April 2015
Monday morning's market and an unusual Scottish visitor.
Some of the new promenade railings that grace the skyline looking across Mount's Bay...
the onshore breeze over the weekend has produced a fresh seaweed harvest...
and Monday's market has a good selection of the usual flatfish like Cornish megrim soles...
the gills on this pollack are the kind of red that screams freshness...
whole monk on the market, an unusual sight which means there must be a visitor in town, in this instance it is a huge Scottish prawn trawler the Maracestina landing her whitefish only - she freezes her langoustine on board...
those blue tallies seem to get everywhere....
Ian the auctioneer in full cry---
as the fish are whisked away sharpish this morning...
well before the sun comes up over the horizon...
bathing the harbour in a warm light...
just as the sun breaks the horizon ahead of the visiting big Scottish trawler...
just behind the Mount...
young Jack Nowel's Exeter Chiefs' were unsuccessful in stopping the rampant Gloucester team on Saturday...
early season yachts begin to take up berths in the marina section of the harbour...
the old and the new, sign-writer extraordinaire Squirrel has been at work again on the Rowse's latest ship...
just a few trawlers in-between trips left in the harbour...
the business end of the Scottish prawn trawler...
one way to move a painting pontoon about the harbour...
more prawner action
the Hosking netter duo...
she might only be 20m in length...
but she dwarfs the 24m euro-cutter style Nowell beam trawlers...
tie to let go the ends of the Billy Rowney...
so she can get on the slip at high water, only possible over the biggest spring tides of the year...
a fastworker about to go to work...
with one derrick leaned out so that she lists into the quay when she takes the bottom - boats have been known to fall over sometimes when drying out for hull repairs against the quayside...
reflected glory.