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Saturday 1 November 2014

The lunacy of the EU's CFP quota system - what will it be like when the discards ban kicks in?

This week in what once could be called our own waters, the Ocean Venture's stocking is completely full...

of huge cod, so much fish - 16650 boxes, the boat's biggest trip ever caught in just a few hauls - that...

a third of the catch had to be kept on deck...

steaming in to Peterhead to land - full up. For more photos and information see John Buchan's page here.

Go back to 1993 and listen to Roger Nowell and mate Peter Mitchell discussing the future of fishing in Cornwall - both men would find the craziness of today's situation where many species of fish are being caught in great quantities (like cod as above in the North Sea) when the current EU quota system - introduced back in the 1980s to protect fish stocks - and are then dumped, dead, back in the sea because quotas have been reached - despite the evidence all around the coast that many fish stocks are at their healthiest levels for decades - and the current CFP cannot change or react quickly enough to prevent this travesty.

It is little wonder that no matter how seemingly short on solid policies that UKIP appear actually are - the British public feel that the time has come to make a stand - no matter how irrational voting for UKIP may appear!

What really worries fishermen in mixed fisheries around the UK - never mind the current closures in Area VII - are the consequences of the discard scheme when it comes into force next year - will it actually be workable? - more worryingly, does the government actually care that honest, hard working men and women are and will be put out of work for good?