Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Gold in the flag and gold in the sky on St Piran's Day
A couple of planes obliged for the benefit of St Piran's Day with a giant Cornish flag in the sky...
the prom was quiet enough...
as was the fish market this morning...
with just a handful of boxes to show...
more red stripes than anything...
Just a glimpse of the harbour from the fish market...
with the netters like the Sparkling Line waiting for the Spring tide to pass so they can get back to sea again...
a solitary gull patrols the harbour...
the Lousia N's, skipper Michael Nowell, father of England No14 rugby star Jack #Nowellsy15 will no doubt be at the next game when the English take on the Taffs with a little Cornish help...
first signs that Spring is sprung...
with even the wind giving all hands a break at the moment...
the harbour was given the benefit of a warming glow this morning...
as the sun broke the dawn...
so far a quiet start to the year for the lifeboats...
tons more sheet steel going aboard the AA as she undergoes a huge refit...
progress on the new ice works...
looking down the quay...
high water outside the Mission without the heavy seas pounding the building this morning...
Tom peeps over the safety fencing at a glorious golden sky...
on St Piran's Day celebrated by the black and gold flags down the high street in Penzance.