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Wednesday 19 February 2014

Raymond Blanc, Food Investigator | The Curious Case of the Fish in the Canteen

Celebrity Chef and MSC investigator Raymond Blanc is asked by a student worried about overfishing if her University serves fish from sustainable sources. After taking a closer look, Raymond uncovers a clue which offers much relief to all involved!

Celebrity chef, Raymond Blanc OBE, has turned fish detective for a new series of short animations about the importance of sustainable fish and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) label. The aim of these short films is to encourage all buyers and consumers to take seafood sustainability seriously. 

In the series, Mr Blanc turns into a cartoon super sleuth to investigate three 'fishy' cases – The Fish in the Canteen, Seafood Sabotage and The Fish out of Water. Raymond Blanc said: “Fish sustainability has always been integral to my businesses. Each aspect of what we do is driven by ethical, environmental, seasonal and regional values, whenever possible. As a chef and a consumer I work in partnership with the fishmonger and with food producers exchanging knowledge.” 

He pointed out that his restaurant Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons is still the only two Michelin starred restaurant in the UK to be MSC certified. Toby Middleton, MSC, added: “Raymond is joining an illustrious line of great detectives as he searches for the best in sustainable fish. There are already 22 MSC certified universities and nearly 4,000 schools. I’d like to see that extended to the whole country so that we can look after the future of our fish stocks while ensuring a bright future for our students.” 

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