Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Top quality inshore fish only on the market this morning
Dark skinned megrim soles from the shallower inshore waters made up a good part of the Harvest Reaper's mid-week landing...
with keen bidding from the buyers having to pay top dollar for the very best in Cornish fish...
just in time to get the latest landing from the Tracey Claire sorted and iced ready for sale...
always a smile on the face of Ray...
line caught cuttles look the biz...
and while the humble mackerel now make mega money - £6+ a kilo - there are precious few of them being caught around the far west of Cornwall - they don't like the cold murky water it seems!...
just two of another big bass haul from king bass himself...
Lionel says it for the printer...
the market enjoys some early morning sun at 6am.
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