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Tuesday 5 March 2013

Education! - Make £43m spent on fish in schools sustainable

In the last newsletter we asked you to help us call for all fish served in schools to have mandatory sustainability standards, because government had already implemented standards for MPs, prisoners and the armed forces. Thank you! Your emails meant that we got a meeting with Henry Dimbleby, of restaurant chain Leon, who has been commissioned by the Department of Education to carry out a school food review.

Henry requested a formal submission which we have done in collaboration with the Environmental Justice Foundation, Greenpeace, Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall’s Fish Fight and the Marine Conservation Society. In that submission we uncover shocking inaccuracies in the Department of Education’s replies to those who took the action. The Department stated, incorrectly, that sustainable fish was already being served in many schools. See more here.

From our meeting with Mr Dimbleby it was quite clear that we would need to keep on campaigning, so please take the action to call for sustainable fish to be served in schools if you have not already done so.

Story courtesy of Sustainable Fish City.