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Friday 15 February 2013

SWFPO members produce between them about 25% of UK scallops and Queen scallops.

SWFPO members produce between them about 25% of UK scallops and Queen scallops. 

98% of scallops are caught by boats using scallop dredges.

Follow the link to Seafish Website for information about work being done in English Channel to ensure long-term sustainability of scallop dredging in the appropriate locations with the appropriate fishing gear.

Welsh fishermen have done their bit too:

Also please take note of the CEFAS 50% Project that has reduced discarding in channel beam trawling to insignificant amounts. Follow link:


It is not all as Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall would have you believe!

He has demonised scallop dredging and beam trawling, both activities which are crucial to the economic wellbeing of the Channel Ports from Shoreham to Newlyn. His wishes must not prevail. We must have viable long-term fishing jobs throughout UK and for SWFPO members in the south of England.

It is imperative that any Marine Conservation Zones are scientifically based with due scrutiny and rigour, are placed in the right locations to do the right job, that they are not too many, they are not too large and they do not displace fishermen into danger.

Ring Jim Portus on 07860542071 for more information.