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Saturday 14 July 2012

Close of play on Friday

The inshore trawler, `L'Ogien is back in Newlyn again.......

 so are plenty of yachts, many seem that much bigger this year...... 
 a solid workboat for someone is up for sale....... 
 there's still plenty of water coming down off the land through the Coombe river......
 always good to see.......
 evidence the summer has had more than its fair share of wind, the silk flags on the prom are looking a little ragged at the edges.......
 growing what sems like a foot a day, the huge Agave plant in penzance looks like it might flower for the first time in years - but will it get the sunshine needed?.......
there's plenty of juice in those leaves for anyone who fancies having a go at making tequila!