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Friday 22 June 2012

Fishy Friday finds fishy food friends frenzy!

 Living up to its name, Newlyn's full of fish this morning.......
 prime haddock fly down the conveyor........
 as the new grading machine is runs flat out to get the fish sorted before the auction reaches the far end......
superb red mullet from the Lisa.........
delicious Dory from the Imogen III.......
pristine pollock from the Sea Spray........
and heavenly hake from the Ajax........
get the Twitter treatment as the food and travel bloggers........
like the Edinburgh Foody, Avacado Stone and FoodTravelCo take a tour of the fish auction under the..... 
watchful eye of Rob Wing and Andy Wheeler........
not the usual sort of craft one sees in port, Round Britain powerboat charity race, first port of call before heading off to Cardiff tonight........
the fresh breeze has kept the yachts safely tied up today as they heed the forecast.......
classic varnished hull on the Timbobbin........
time for Mr Smith to have those tubs back aboard the Sea Spray.........
while others enjoy the world-renowned Newlyn morning light and get busy with the brush.