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Friday 11 May 2012

Cod questionnaire - your chance to put a case for quota change.

Cod from Cornwall on Newlyn market this morning from the beam trawler Aaltje Adriaante
As talked about before on TtG, Cornish cod make for poor PR with regard to sustainability and quotas. For many years cod have been caught and tagged - and never once has a tagged cod been returned from any area other than the waters in which it was tagged - 'Cornish' cod are home-loving, unadventurous bottom dwellers who like nothing more than gorging themselves on small crab and langoustine if they can get them. They are not part of the cold water crew that inhabit the North Sea and beyond - they are southern softies who enjoy basking in the warmer climes of the Gulf Stream. So when the hue-and-cry over depleted cod stocks hits the headlines all those catchers of locally caught cod are tarred with the same brush - foul we cry!

Today, the Countryside Commission are asking for all hands to complete a short questionnaire - step up guys and complete the paperwork and tell 'em how it is!

Take the survey here: CCRI Cod Survey

See below:

The Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI) has been commissioned to undertake some research for the North Sea Regional Advisory Council (NSRAC) to explore the impact of different management approaches on fishing activity and to explore the ways in which vessel operators might
adjust to the different management measures.

The cod's little goatee beard lets him keep his chin from touching the bottom and  stops him getting a sore lip as he scours the sea bed hunting for his shellfish supper.

As part of the review process, the CCRI has been asked to contact vessel operators to explore their experiences of the Cod Recovery plan, and their views on a small range of alternative management approaches for fisheries.

Take the survey here: CCRI Cod Survey