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Saturday 25 February 2012

In the the mists of time.......

With the Mount barely visible across the Bay a change in the weather looks on the cards - the early morning scene is one of little wind and a heavy mist just beginning to burn off with the rising sun......
just in time to greet the latest gill netter to join the local fleet........
with a brand new Spencer Carter net hauler, the Cornish Sardine ring netter has changed over her fishing method........
as skipper Dan Downing explains, with the sardine season at an end its time to look for another way of the boat earning her keep for the next three months.......
first in the queue, Ajax skipper land Dwan directs proceedings........
 as the boat takes the seven tonnes of ice needed for her next trip.........
waiting patiently, skipper Hosking at the helm.......
moves ahead to the ice berth as the Ajax pulls away.......
and makes ties up against the quay........
in order to take on board freshly mended nets.......
scalloper Celtic Pride heads for the fish market berth to take fuel.........
with those mackerel talks north of the border still unresolved, a date not to be missed for all those members of the South West Handline Association........
next in the queue for ice, the biggest UK gill netter, Govenek of Ladram takes her quota........
while for others it's more net going aboard.......
in for the weekend, Nooitdegacht Z402, one of three Dutch crewed, Belgian registered beam trawlers .......
comes alongside and puts her ropes ashore.......
then sets about preparing for landing by first rigging the wire running from the top of a derrick that will allow them to lift the boxed fish.........
from the fish room to a waiting lorry ashore.........
the lorry arrived loaded with the store needed to keep the boats at sea while working hundreds of miles away from home........
enough to keep the guys on deck busy before landing their fish.