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Thursday 27 October 2011

Harbour rents - Cornish woman battles it out in London.

It seems that the issues with harbour rents are the subject of contention all over the Uk. Ex-pat actress, Susan Penhalligan who lives on a houseboat on the Thames is involved in a rent battle with the Port of London Authority over what are effectively 'harbour dues' for the privilege of having a mooring on the river.  Susan, along with a number of other floating residents has formed an action group to fight the good fight and protect all those river residents affected by the changes to dues - that have reportedly risen more than 300% and more.

The action group are fearful that the PLA will try to push a Harbour Revision Order (HRO) without recourse to normal parliamentary channels.

More information can be found on the Organisation of Port of London Authority Customers (OPLAC) web site to support the residents here.