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Saturday 29 October 2011

More environmentally-friendly scallop dredges.

N-Virodredge™ see the web site here:

The N-Virodredge™ is a completely new concept in the harvesting of scallops and the first significant variation over the traditional scallop dredge design which has been in use in European waters over the last 40 years.

The N-Virodredge™ runs along the seabed on two skids which bear the full weight of the dredge. Mounted between the skids are a number of spring tines. These tines move individually as opposed to a traditional dredge in which the teeth are mounted together and move as one. The tines are vertically adjustable for depth of seabed penetration below the level of the skids therefore penetration can be kept to an optimum depth at all times therefore increasing the catching efficiency of the dredge.