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Wednesday 8 June 2011

Newlyn and the Swordfish make it to Twitter.

In the Swordfish - calling Joe a tuss would certainly provoke him into buying you a pint.
Sure to raise a smile around the Duchy at the moment - proving very popular and trending is #Kernowliesfortourists on Twitter - a constant barrage of local knowledge and advice for anyone visiting Cornwall (Kernow) - and what's more, some of the content has more than a whiff of very, very local knowledge as in this tweet currently out there in Twitterland:

RT @cernyw: an old Newlyn custom, say, "yew tuss" to anyone in the Swordfish Inn, they have to buy you a drink. fri nights only
Of course, anyone with a smattering of local knowledge (which leads us to believe that the perpetrators behind #Kernowliesfortourists must be from round these parts) knows that even hinting that someone was a tuss in the Swordfish or other local hostelry is likely to invoke an immediate and less than gentlemanly response. Reminds me of that letter in the `Fishing News' letters page a few years back entitled, "Abducted by Aliens".

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