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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Star role in a documentary - your chance to be living history.

Ever wanted to be on TV? or have your say recorded for posterity - your time has come! Here's a message from Lisa Bowe at Lone Wolf Documentary Group in the USA. Here's a request received by Through the Gaps from across the big pond.
"I am working on a new History Channel special that will highlight people who make a living working on the Atlantic Ocean.  I am hoping that you would be willing to share my information with anyone who may be interested. "
Here are the details:
A new History Channel special on the Atlantic Ocean is looking for people who make a living working on the Atlantic Ocean. 
You must have a great personality with plenty of stories to tell. We are looking for people between the ages of 25- 50 who feel comfortable on camera and can speak about their livelihood on the Atlantic with passion and charisma. If interested, please reply; introduce yourself, explain what you do and supply a picture. A video would be best.  If interested, please contact me ASAP. 
If selected I am going to request a "character reel" from you. So be prepared to have a friend with a camera (doesn't have to be nice) ready to film you.
Or, you may want to nominate a friend, in which case just follow the guide above instead. 
Thank you! 
Lisa Bowe

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