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Friday 14 January 2011

FishFight - A cautionary view from Bagehot's column in The Econimist

From Bagehot's column in The Economist comes an article furthering the current FishFight debate. Not without experience in commenting on the industry, the author is keen to point out that fishermen are not necessarily whiter than white when it comes to discarding certain low value fish at times during a trip.

If nothing else, the high level of media and public interest in the madness of discards will serve to highlight just how complex the fight to establish the means by which the discarding fish of any kind is brought to an end by a public fast becoming less tolerant of the practice.

Bagehot mentions that our French cousins have a withdrawal price scheme that ensures fish failing to reach the minimum price are withdrawn - though if memory serves this fish (bulked whiting for instance) can end up distributed to hospitals and schools?

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