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Tuesday 14 December 2010

Could a cost conscious climate promote Coatsguard cuts and cost lives?

RNAS Culdrose's Rescue 193 on exercise.

Cut to just three coastguard stations offering 24/7 cover around the coast - and down to 19 stations around the UK - the stark news from the agency that oversees manned stations here in the South West. Announced earlier this year, cuts in safety services at sea in the form of the standby tugs like the Anglain Princess that will end next September.

In addition, air sea rescue services are being farmed out to private contractors and some reduced from the present 24/7 cover with obvious serious consequences should you hit trouble, 'out of hours'.

NCI Gwennap Head
Since many of the manned coastguard stations like Gwennap Head at land's End were closed the NCI was formed to fill in the provision manned entirely by volunteers.

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