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Friday 17 September 2010

Friday is Farmer's market day in Penzance.

 It's not the only wet fish shop in Newlyn, but it is the nearest to the market.....
 there are signs that the squid are moving in on the inshore grounds......
 no doubt the smaller ones will be keeping a watchful eye out for the huge sardine shoals......
 the weather will dictate when the scallop season comes to an end and the visiting Scottish dredgers make their way up North again.....
 heading off for a feed, a juvenile gull not quite finished losing its baby feathers.....
 Badcocks Gallery's current show, Safely Gathered, by local artist Marilyn Browning which compliments the pottery pieces underneath......
 their are still a few leisure boats passing through......
 while the crabbing fleet wait for bait......
 it's good to see the Emma Louise back in action again after having a new main engine fitted.....
 where do all the wooden warp drums go?.......
 pile 'em high, Cornish Sardines stacked skywards......
 a man happy in his work putting up the stalls for the weekly.......
Penzance Farmer's Market, now moved outside St John's Hall and held every Friday.

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