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Wednesday 13 January 2010

Quest for a killer India Pale Ale.

What does the son James Watt of the skipper of Banff registered mid-water trawler Ocean Quest killer whales and beer have in common? While many fisherman's sons dream of owning their own boat, James Watt dreamt of brewing his own beer - and not just any beer - for a brief period his beer was the world's strongest going by the name of Tactical Nuclear Penguin and not without controversy - though in James' case methinks this would very definitely be a case of, 'there is no such thing as bad publicity'!. First going to sea at the age of seven, James still spends the winter months aboard the family pelagic boat Ocean Quest fishing from Fraserburgh - but only after completing a degree at Aberdeen University and then opening a micro-brewery outside Fraserburgh in 2006. The BrewDog brewery now produces over 200,000 bottles a month including a 'proper' India Pale Ale called Punk IPA.

Last year the brewery released a limited edition, cask-conditioned 'Atlantic IPA' (a little more feisty than Cornish micro-brewery Sharp's Atlantic IPA) under the most extreme circumstances when seven - it should have been eight - (see video)wooden casks were loaded aboard the Ocean Quest and left on board for the remainder of the mackerel season to mature in the North Atlantic - the video tells the full story! The artwork for the label was designed by a artist Joahanna Basford. Maybe Skinner's, Sharp's, St Austell or the Lizard breweries could go one better?

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