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Friday 14 August 2009

Mist 'n mizzel

The final crushing moment for what remains of the Roseland's bow.......
a classic wooden yacht arrives and the crew immediately take time out to admire the Cameret crabber in the berth next door.....
a seriously beamy yacht.....
its back to the aluminium for the shelterdeck of the Harvest Reaper......
now Nigel's clubbing days appear to be over, the ever-popular the Boatshed restaurant is looking spruce these days.......
Landing kit, wax crayon, fish tallies and a pair of gloves.......
easy to see why this is a gilthead bream - a great favourite of Roman cuisine thanks to the recorded recipes of Apicius - suggested sauce for this fish: combine pepper, lovage, caraway, oregano, rue berry, mint, myrtle berry, egg yolk, honey, vinegar olive oil, wine and fish stock heated......
not often a yacht is seen anchored off the prom for the night......
this week sees a collection of bigger yachts including the liveaboard ex-crabber L'aurore from Cameret......
the Imogen has been making sure that the restaurant trade has plenty of squid available......
more below the waterline work on the Stevenson fleet, this time the replica lugger Children's Friend gets a fresh coat, and there is plenty to do aboard the recently returned Highlander if she is to see some action on the sardines this season.......
Newlyn based guide to allthings of interest Inside Cornwall has a feature on Kristin Vestgard showing at Badcock's gallery........
lucky for some in skip world.......
and why wouldn't you?.........
transport queues in the lorry park.

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