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Monday 6 July 2009


The chance to purchase a Saltram 24, one of the quality local punts up for sale.....
"two teas please".......
an overland consignment of fish from Southern Ireland included these small haddock that ended up going for bait, the quality was mixed as if several boats were combined in the one sale.......
St Ives mackerel are on the move.......
Celtic Fish and Game couldn't resist the porbeagle shark, a great choice for the local restaurants and BBQ trade.....
not often seen on markets in the south west, whole monk from a Falmouth inshore boat, Reuben Luke........
straight from the nets, some good sized grey mullet.......
and bass to wet the buyer's appetites.......
aboard the Inspiration, Dick has been busy with the withy pots again, quality lobsters looking cheerful in their kelp seaweed beds to keep them ailve and kicking......
coming to the end of the turbot season the Ocean Spray makes another good landing.

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